Simple Indoor Pot Plant Arrangement
Just as an outdoor garden creates a sense of peace and belonging, growing plants indoors helps us to relax. Adding a few indoor plants to your home or office filters out toxins from the air that are given off from carpet, furniture, paint and even cosmetics. Experts discovered indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air and just one plant per room can help purify the air. This is why we feel more relaxed when surrounded by plants; they help us breathe better air.
It is a good idea to choose your pots first, keeping in mind the size, colours, materials and styles to complement your home. Pots in neutral colours are a good option. Pots in strong colours will date quickly, while neutral pots will work with your interior no matter how many times you change it.
Floristika provides the plant arrangement service for our customers. Customers just need to select their desired indoor plants and pot or purchase online from www.floristika.com.my
Phalaenopsis with Gold Round Pot
Plant Arrangement with Pink Triangle Pot
Plant Arrange into the Blue Sea Rock with Square Box
Plant Arrangement with Grey Pot
Plant with Red Pot